Subject areas
Ergon represents a broad spectrum of humanities and social science subject areas, which has continuously expanded until recent times. In each area, in addition to the Bibliotheca Academica series, there is a portfolio of publisher-led series covering different thematic segments. Strongly represented is the emphasis on interdisciplinarity, which is reflected in the series profiles and in the composition of the editorial boards.

Art and Classical Studies
The publication activity in this area was based on the connection to the German Archaeological Institute, the Chair of Classical Archaeology at the University of Würzburg and the Martin von Wagner Museum in the Würzburg Residence, one of the largest and most important university museums in Europe. The spectrum ranges from excavation documentation to exhibition catalogues and artist monographs, the thematic arc from the reconstruction of ancient monuments to studies on contemporary art.
Learn moreByzantine Studies
Byzantine Studies as an academic subject goes back to Karl Krumbacher (1856-1909), who also held the first associated chair at the University of Munich. The interdisciplinary field of research encompasses the history, culture, religion, art, literature, science, economy and politics of the Byzantine Empire in the period from the founding of Constantinople in 330 A.D. to its conquest by the Ottomans in 1453 A.D. In the programme of the Ergon publishing house, the department constituted itself with the founding of the Prolegomena Byzantina series, which offers an attractive publication venue for fundamental works from the entire spectrum of Byzantine research.
Learn moreHistorical Science
In the field of historical studies, the spectrum of Ergon’s publishing programme includes regional, German-centred, European and, last but not least, globally oriented subject areas. The time span ranges from ancient to modern history. The cooperation with leading research institutions in renowned publication series lends special weight to our history portfolio.
Learn moreInformation Studies
Ergon’s commitment to the field of information science is based on the acquisition of the Indeks publishing house in 1996 and the resulting cooperation with the International Society for Knowledge Organisation (ISKO), the leading professional institution in this field. The regular publication of the society’s conference proceedings, the management of the journal Knowledge Organisation as a globally received scientific periodical as well as an accompanying book programme with focus topics on the pulse of current developments round off the publishing portfolio in this field of research.
Learn moreJewish Studies
The subject area of Jewish Studies in the Ergon portfolio has emerged from the broad spectrum of interreligious research in the programme segment of Religious Studies. The focus is on studies on the history and present of Sephardic Judaism as well as on perspectives of Jewish Studies in the context of current social developments.
Learn moreLaw Studies
The core of Ergon’s legal studies programme is the traditional series Würzburger rechtswissenschaftliche Schriften, which is published by the Faculty of Law at the University of Würzburg and includes publications from all sub-fields of the discipline. The portfolio is supplemented by the Bibliotheca Academica – Jurisprudence, in which works on legal philosophy and legal history as well as festschrifts are preferably published.
Learn moreLinguistics
Ausgehend von einem traditionsreichen Programm in Germanistischer Literaturwissenschaft hat sich das Ergon-Portfolio auf den Bereich der Germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft ausgeweitet. Unter Beteiligung führender Fachwissenschaftler wurden Schwerpunkt in der interkulturellen Linguistik und in der Kultursemiotik verankert, aufstrebenden Forschungsfeldern, die vielfältige interdisziplinäre Anknüpfungspunkte bieten.
Learn moreLiterary Studies
German literary studies as a renowned programme focus has accompanied Ergon Verlag since its beginnings. After taking over the supervision of the Rückert-Gesellschaft e. V. in Schweinfurt, Ergon founded several literary series, which are still among the leading publications in the field today. The portfolio includes studies on literary history, theory, interpretation and criticism from the Middle Ages to the present, thus providing a publishing framework for the entire spectrum of research in the field.
Learn moreMusic Studies
The programme area of musicology at Ergon Verlag is primarily dedicated to the subject area of music aesthetics. Innovative research works are published that present music and its perception as cultural-historical phenomena and deal with its various manifestations in the context of social and historical processes. Sequi: Historical Performance Practice.
Learn moreOrientalism
Oriental Studies constituted itself early on as one of the main segments of the Ergon publishing programme. The commitment to this subject area grew out of the engagement with Friedrich Rückert, one of the co-founders of European Oriental Studies. The successful publication of Rückert’s unique translation of the Koran brought the publishing house widespread attention. This was followed by publishing support for the two Orientalistic Institutes (Max Weber Foundation) in Beirut and Istanbul and renowned university research institutions. A diverse series portfolio with a broad thematic focus and top-class content establish Ergon’s reputation as one of the leading specialist publishers of Oriental studies.
Learn morePedagogy
The Ergon Portfolio Pedagogy covers a large number of the sub-disciplines and research directions represented in the department, including general pedagogy, school pedagogy, media pedagogy, religious education and intercultural pedagogy. The series of publications have a wide-ranging reputation in the specialist community. In the area of sociological research, on the other hand, the focus is on the sociology of the family, including a wide range of interdisciplinary connections.
Learn morePhilosophy
In the programme area of philosophy, a traditional focus is on the research field of phenomenology, represented by chairs at the universities of Freiburg and Munich. More recently, anthopology and cultural philosophy have been added, expanding the range of content by two topics increasingly present in current academic discourse. In addition, the portfolio is open to philosophical studies of different topics and orientations.
Learn moreReligious Studies
Building on its beginnings in the sociology of religion, Ergon has established itself in particular in the field of interreligious research and today offers series of publications of international scope and interdisciplinary significance. The editorial board is made up of representatives from leading university institutes and research centres. In addition to the interaction between Judaism, Christianity and Islam, a variety of current issues relating to the role of religion in history and contemporary events, politics and society are examined. Of particular importance are Islamic and interreligious religious pedagogy and Islamic theology.
Learn moreTheater Studies
Thanks to the cooperation with the renowned Gesellschaft für Theatergeschichte e. V. as the editorial board at Ergon Verlag, the oldest and most traditional German publication series in this field has been added to the publishing portfolio. The contents of the series reflect theater historiography in its entire thematic breadth. A flanking area of series-independent writings with a focus on the study of theater construction and scenography of the Baroque period completes the attractive program segment.
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