Subject area Historical Science
Subject area
In the field of historical studies, the spectrum of Ergon’s publishing programme includes regional, German-centred, European and, last but not least, globally oriented subject areas. The time span ranges from ancient to modern history. The cooperation with leading research institutions in renowned publication series lends special weight to our history portfolio.

Al-Andalus in Past and Present
Edited by Jenny Oesterle, Delfina Serrano, Isabel Toral-Niehoff, Monika Winet
Al-Andalus was a place of multiculturalism and religious diversity, characterised by peaceful coexistence, hybridisation and conflict between different communities. Natives, Arab and Berber Muslims, Jews and Christians interacted in all cultural and economic spheres and also in everyday life. Arabic was a common language and, alongside Latin and Hebrew, the lingua franca of the educated. There were also far-reaching political, cultural and commercial networks, both with players from the Mediterranean area from North Africa to the Levant, as well as with those from more remote regions such as the Frankish Empire or sub-Saharan Africa. The interdependencies and processes of change have outlasted the year 1492, and this cultural amalgam has served as a powerful projection screen until today.
The series Al-Andalus in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart aims to be a forum for studies dedicated to this historical region from the perspective of a broad spectrum of topics and disciplines. Academic work from the fields of religious and intellectual history, cultural history, linguistics and literary studies, philosophy, art and architecture, economic and social history, anthropology, archaeology, numismatics and medical history, as well as transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary historical approaches, entangled history, and studies on the later perception of al-Andalus are expressly welcome. The languages of publication are German, English, French and Spanish.
flict: indigenous, Arab and Berber Muslims, Jews and Christians interacted in all spheres. The complex interconnections and processes of change among the communities outlasted the year 1492, radiate into the present, and continue to serve as a powerful projection surface today. The series Al-Andalus. Past and Present aims to be a forum for studies dedicated to this historical region from the perspective of a broad spectrum of disciplines, incorporating transdisciplinary and interweaving historical approaches as well as the history of reception. The focus of consideration is on the Iberian Peninsula, North Africa, and the Mediterranean Rim. The series publishes monographs, thematically coherent anthologies and conference volumes, text editions and translations, mainly in German.
Bibliotheca Academica – History
The contents of the historical house series of Ergon are broadly based. In addition to the lives and work of outstanding individuals and groups, the focus is also on the historical specifics of individual regions. Integrated into the respective epoch context, a comprehensive picture of historical societies and their living conditions is presented.
City and region in the pre-modern era
Edited by Mark Häberlein
Various topics related to the history of Bamberg and its surroundings are analyzed and discussed in an overarching context in this series.
Forum Cemetery Cultures
Published by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Friedhof und Denkmal e. V.
Cemeteries have been central places of burial, mourning and remembrance culture for centuries. With their spatial structures, their sepulchral monuments, and buildings, they tell of the changing ways of dealing with the deceased. Originally as “empty” spaces, in modern times sometimes located far from the gates of cities, they were symbolically filled up over time depending on the social-cultural context. Thus, the cemetery can be seen as a space that, comparable to a palimpsest, stores biographies, mentalities, denominationally different religions and forms of belief, social structures, gender relations, and finally, local, and regional specifics.
The series mainly publishes monographs on the history and present of cemetery culture, but also anthologies on coherent topics, for example on cemeteries in a city or a region. The series sees itself as a forum for different disciplinary or transdisciplinary perspectives, e.g., history, sociology, cultural studies, history of art and architecture, economic and social history, religion, politics, archaeology.
Franconia Judaica
Published by the District of Middle Franconia by Andrea M. Kluxen and Julia Krieger
The series of publications focuses on the historical examination of Jewish life in Franconia. In addition to the biographies of individual persons and families, the living conditions of the entire Jewish community in the region are also addressed.
History and Culture in Middle Franconia
Published by the District of Middle Franconia by Andrea M. Kluxen and Julia Krieger
The publication series is dedicated to focal topics from the history of the region of Middle Franconia, which are treated in the context of culture and society.
Heroes – Heroizations – Heroisms
Edited by Ronald Asch, Barbara Korte and Ralf von den Hoff, on behalf of the DFG Collaborative Research Center 948 at the University of Freiburg.
Helden – Heroisierungen – Heroismen is the publication series of the (DFG) Collaborative Research Center 948 at the University of Freiburg. Here, since 2012, scholars from the visual, historical, literary, musical, and social sciences have devoted themselves to the manifestations and meanings of the heroic in the period from Greek antiquity to the present. The focus of the study is on processes of heroization in various social, political, cultural and media contexts. The tense relationship between heroic figures and the social orders that are stabilized by them, but also called into question, is examined. The focus is not only on Europe, but also on East Asia and the Near and Middle East. In contrast to the widespread idea that we are now in a “post-heroic age,” the publication series reflects the lively boom and intensive new discussion of the heroic phenomenon in the present.
Religion and Politics
Published by the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
The Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” has existed at the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster since 2007. It is the largest research network of its kind in Germany, and among the 57 clusters of excellence in Germany, it is the only one dedicated to the topic of religion. The subject of the cluster is the complex relationship between religion and politics in various power constellations and conflict situations – from antiquity to the present. Across disciplinary boundaries, the cluster conducts basic research in the humanities and social sciences, thus generating important reflective knowledge for addressing pressing contemporary issues in a globalized society.
The publication series Religion and Politics bundles essential results of the Cluster of Excellence in various formats. In addition to relevant monographs, anthologies are published that are based on joint scientific events and reflect the interdisciplinary and cross-epochal research spectrum of the Cluster.
Publications of the Johanna Stahl Center for Jewish History and Culture in Lower Franconia
Edited by Rotraud Ries
In the series founded by the Johanna Stahl Center, two publications on Jewish history in Lower Franconia have been published so far. In the first volume, the deportations of Jewish citizens are recorded, and the culture of remembrance is analyzed. The second volume focuses on the Jewish community’s connection to Würzburg’s urban society after 1945.
Sport, Culture and Society
Edited by Andreas Niehaus and Michael Krüger
The series Sport, Culture and Society offers an attractive format for the publication of current and outstanding research on the cultural and social history of sport. Special consideration is given to questions and problems from trans- and interdisciplinary perspectives. Preference will be given to monographs and dissertations as well as the results of conferences oriented toward sports and cultural studies in German or English.
Transalpine Middle Ages
Edited by Uwe Israel, Christian Jaser, Romedio Schmitz-Esser
Interconnections, mobility, and cultural contacts even over long distances are among the striking characteristics of the Middle Ages. Against this background, the Transalpine Middle Ages series describes one of Europe’s central historical spaces of interaction between North and South, the study of which promises great innovative potential. The Alpine region appears as a decisive transfer zone for people, goods, and ideas. The scholarly book series brings together monographs and collaborative works that deal with the history of the transalpine Middle Ages from different perspectives. A transfer and interweaving historical perspective are opened, which can make an important contribution to comparative medieval studies. In terms of time, the series covers a long Middle Ages from the transformation of the late Roman Empire to the Renaissance.
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