Journals at Ergon
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Ergon publishes three academic journals that represent key topics in the current research discourse. Knowledge Organization is the journal of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO), the leading professional institution in the field of information science, published since 1989. Diyâr, published by the Gesellschaft für Turkologie, Osmanistik und Türkeiforschung e. V. (GTOT), publishes interdisciplinary and cross-regional contributions on a broad range of orientalist topics. The journal Forum, based at the University of Innsbruck, was newly founded and is dedicated to Islamic-theological, religious education-oriented studies from an interdisciplinary networked perspective.

Published by the Society for Turkology, Ottoman Studies and Research on Turkey (GTOT e. V.).
Diyâr is a new interdisciplinary and cross-regional scholarly journal. It deals with Turkey, the Ottoman Empire, and its successor states as well as Iran, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. It focuses on the language, culture, history, and present of the various Turkic- and Iranian-speaking ethnic groups, dynasties, and states, as well as other ethnolinguistic and religious groups living in these states.
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Knowledge Organization
Published by the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO)
The journal Knowledge Organization reflects the manifold theories, methods, and applications of knowledge organization (conceptualization, indexing, modeling, etc.). It sees itself as an interdisciplinary organ that elaborates with its contributions the foundations and principles under which knowledge is discovered, formalized, communicated, and processed. Knowledge Organization enables the participation in the ongoing discourse of a future-oriented, worldwide knowledge management and thus becomes an indispensable communication medium for all persons involved in knowledge work. This discourse will address the ever-increasing amount and variety of scientific information and the simultaneously changing technical and social conditions and will provide both theoretical and practical solutions.
The journal is aimed to archivists, librarians, computer scientists, information specialists, philosophers, sociologists, and it´s located in the subject areas of information and library sciences.
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Forum Islamic-Theological Studies (Journal)
Editor: Prof. Dr. Zekirija Sejdini
The journal Forum Islamic-Theological Studies is an international journal whose aims are the promotion of academic discourse and the conceptualization of Islamic theology and religious education. Interdenominational, interdisciplinary, multiperspectival, and dialogical, it aims to stimulate scholarly debates in the various subdisciplines of Islamic theology as well as on sociological and pedagogical issues concerning ‘Islam’ and Muslims – as a platform for exchange between traditional Islamic scholarship and contemporary positions and approaches.
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